Anglesite flotation: a study for lead recovery from zinc leach residue
Formation of pyromorphite in anglesite-hydroxyapatite suspensions
The Crystal Structure of Barytes, Celestine and Anglesite
Rigid-body character of the SO4 groups in celestine, anglesite and barite
The surface characteristics and flotation behavior of anglesite and cerussite
Anglesite (PbSO 4 ) solubility in acetate solutions: The determination of stability constants for lead acetate complexes to 85°C ☆
Anglesite (PbSO sub 4 ) solubility in acetate solutions: The determination of stability constants for lead acetate complexes to 85 d...
Fast detection of sulphate minerals (gypsum, anglesite, baryte) by a portable Raman spectrometer
Energetics of anhydrite, barite, celestine, and anglesite: a high-temperature and differential scanning calorimetry study
Crystal chemical controls on the dissolution kinetics of the isostructural sulfates: Celestite, anglesite, and barite