The impact cratering rate in recent time
La predicción de la intención de falsear las respuestas en los tests psicológicos: ¿qué creencias normativas son importantes?
Evolution Of Cab Over Engine Trucks
A recompilation and instrumentation-free monitoring architecture for detecting heap memory errors and exploits
Seeing the social : understanding why children are out of school in rural Ethiopia
Trigger point pressure release for triceps surae dysfunction: A case series
Progressive grey matter atrophy over the first 2–3 years of illness in first-episode schizophrenia: A tensor-based morphometry study
A randomised cross-over trial comparing patient preference for oral capecitabine and 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin regimens in patients ...
The immediate effect of triceps surae myofascial trigger point therapy on restricted active ankle joint dorsiflexion in recreational...
The predictive distribution of the residual variability in the linear-fixed effects model for clinical cross-over trials