a group of一组,一群
control group控制组(自变量的一种处理方法);实验对照组
group company集团公司
treatment group治疗组;试验组
in group成组;成群
interest group利益集团(指有共同利益的一群人)
enterprise group企业集团
small group小团体;小群体
research group研究小组
ethnic group n. 同种同文化之民族
experimental group实验组;试验组
in a group成群接队地
working group工作小组;事务委员会
age group同年龄范围内的人
large group大群体
as a group作为整体;总体来讲
group by分组依据;群组依据
special group特殊群;特别小组;非凡群
study group学习集团,学习小组;学习研讨会
group leader组长;车间班长;团体领袖
- Contrasting and grouping words also make the students think in a systematic way.
Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function
Trimming, Weighting, and Grouping SNPs in Human Case-Control Association Studies
Functional grouping and cortical-subcortical ...
Taylor & Francis Online :: Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function - Journal of the American Statistical Association...
A rapid analysis for chemical grouping of aerobic Actinomycetes.
Edge co-occurrence in natural images predicts contour grouping performance
Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups
Dynamical aspects of animal grouping: swarms, schools, flocks, and herds.
Grouping Web Page References into Transactions for Mining World Wide Web Browsing Patterns
Age-grouping methods in Diptera of medical importance with special reference to some vectors of malaria