- Gynecomastia can be detected in a physical exam and can often be diagnosed solely based on the clinical ealuation.
GynecomastiaGynecomastia.Gynecomastia and breast cancer during finasteride therapyPrepubertal gynecomastia linked to lavender and tea tree oils.Methods for treating hot flashes and gynecomastiaClassification and surgical correction of gynecomastia.Classification and management of gynecomastia: defining the role of ultrasound-assisted liposuctionAn aromatase-producing sex-cord tumor resulting in prepubertal gynecomastiaAromatase and steroid receptors in gynecomastia and male breast carcinoma: an immunohistochemical study.Syndrome Characterized by Gynecomastia, Aspermatogenesis without A-Leydigism, and Increased Excretion of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone1