give up halfway半途而废;中途放弃
halfway house n. 路程之中途地点;小客栈
meet halfway让步;妥协
- A pavilion is halfway up the hill.
山的半中腰有一座亭子。 - Halfway measures won't solve the problem.
- We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.
走到半路, 天就黑了。 - The car began to get ahead halfway through the race
那辆车在比赛的半途开始领先。 - I'll meet you halfway between your house and mine.
我在你的房子和我的房子的中间处与你碰面。 - We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.
我们住的地方大致在这里和海滨中间。 - They met us halfway so that we could make a deal that worked for all of us.
Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning
Meeting the Universe Halfway
Techno〢rrogance and Halfway Technologies: Salmon Hatcheries on the Pacific Coast of North America
Sea Turtle Conservation and Halfway Technology
Manipulation of Turtle Populations for Conservation: Halfway Technologies or Viable Options?
Malaria elimination in Indonesia: halfway there.
Using COI barcodes to identify forensically and medically important blowflies
Current rectification in a single GaN nanowire with a well-defined p–n junction
A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils.
Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control.