An inventory to measure helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness.
Hopelessness, helplessness, and haplessness as predictors of suicidal ideation.
A brief research note: helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness as predictors of suicidal ideation: a cross-cultural study.
Helplessness, hopelessness, and haplessness and suicidality.
Test-retest reliability and construct validity of the Helplessness, Hopelessness, and Haplessness Scale in patients with anxiety dis...
Problem solving style, hopelessness, helplessness and haplessness as the predictors of psychopathology assessed by MMPI-2
The internal consistency and concurrent validity of the Hopelessness, Helplessness, and Haplessness Scale in a Turkish clinical samp...
The Dangers of German Strategic Haplessness
The Dangers of German Strategic Haplessness
A short history of haplessness; Vegan