- This ground harrows well.
这块地很好耙。 - The shipwreck was a harrowing experience.
Selective weed harrowing in cereals.Finger-Harrowing of Durum Wheat under Different Tillage SystemsSelective uprooting by weed harrowing on sandy soils.Investigating the selectivity of weed harrowing with new methodsA model for prediction of yield response in weed harrowingThe tolerance of spring wheat and barley to post-emergence harrowing.Assessment of leaf cover and crop soil cover in weed harrowing research using digital imagesThe impact of uprooting and soil‐covering on the effectiveness of weed harrowingTreated like an Animal; Outrage as Cancer Mum Is Kept in Chains during Five Days of Harrowing TreatmentRelationship between speed, soil movement into the cereal row and intra‐row weed control efficacy by weed harrowing