- You have to rewrite the article.
你不得不重新改写这篇文章。 - She had to sever all ties with her parents.
她不得不断绝与父母的一切联系。 - You have to take stock of your position.
你必须估计一下你的处境。 - It's a formality that we have to go through.
Giáo trình New Head Way - Doing the right thing ppt
Recent Studies on the Structure of Human Serum Low- and High-Density Lipoproteins
Circular dichroic studies of human plasma retinol-binding protein and prealbumin
You’ve got to have friends: the predictive value of social integration and support in suicidal ideation among rural communities
Current change in the modal system of English: a case study of must, have to and have got to
You have got to have a dream, but it's not enough.
The oncology wall: Could Ali Baba have got to the nutrition treasure without using the correct words?
"[i]f you are going to be a serious university in the twenty-first century, you have got to be internationalised."(1)
Have to, have got to, and must: NSM analyses of English modal verbs of ‘necessity’
Alternative TKR bearing surfaces: the femur? You have got to be kidding