How (not) to protect genomic data privacy in a distributed network: using trail re-identification to evaluate and design anonymity p...Comparative analysis of population genetic structure in Athyrium distentifolium (Pteridophyta) using AFLPs and SSRs from anonymous a...Verfahren und system, um anonym meldungen durch ein telekommunikationsnetz zu übertragenThe Planetary Equatorium of Jamshīd Ghiyāth al-dīn Alkāshī (d. 1429): an edition of the anonymous P...The East Asian miracle: economic growth and public policyGlobal population genetic structure and male-mediated gene flow in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas): RFLP analyses of anonymous nuc...Shore protection manual: Volume I and IICapturing data usefulness and privacy protection in K-anonymisationCapturing data usefulness and privacy protection in K-anonymisationRezension zu: Martin Wight. International Theory. The three Traditions.