- The secret store is headquartered abroad.
- The European correspondent will headquarter in Paris.
Headquarter Services and Revealed Factor Abundance
Headquarter Relocations and International Taxation
Headquarter-subsidiary relationships in multinational corporations /
Headquarter-based Economy,Regional Tax Competition and Revenue Transfer
Role of Headquarter Control by Multinationals in International Advertising Decisions
Performance effects of MNC headquarters–subsidiary conflict and the role of boundary spanners: The case of headquarter initiative r...
Dispersion within concentration: The changing location of corporate headquarter offices in South Africa
Research on Strategies to Promote the Development of Beijing Modern Service Industry with Headquarter Economy
Frequency of Refractive Errors in Children Visiting Eye Out Patients Department Agency Headquarter Hospital Landi Kotal
Balancing Standardization and Adaptation for Product Performance in International Markets: Testing the Influence of Headquarters-Sub...