- Options for Rhone trips include Swan Hellenic River Cruises and French Country Waterways.
罗纳河航线供有古希腊的天鹅河和法国农村河道两者可选。 - Although the conquest of the city-states by King Philip of Macedonia ended the Hellenic Age, the influence of the Creeks was destined to increase.
Tectonics of the hellenic trench: A synthesis of sea-beam and submersible observations
On the Hellenic subduction zone and the geodynamic evolution of Crete since the late Middle Miocene
The hellenic arc and trench system: A key to the neotectonic evolution of the eastern mediterranean area
The tectonic development of the hellenic arc and the sea of crete: A synthesis
Empirical assessment of the Hellenic non-residential building stock, energy consumption, emissions and potential energy savings
Advanced stage mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer: the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group experience
European residential buildings and empirical assessment of the Hellenic building stock, energy consumption, emissions and potential ...
A survey on student dropout rates and dropout causes concerning the students in the Course of Informatics of the Hellenic Open Unive...
Weekly paclitaxel as first-line chemotherapy and trastuzumab in patients with advanced breast cancer. A Hellenic Cooperative Oncolog...
Randomized comparison of etoposide-cisplatin vs. etoposide-carboplatin and irradiation in small-cell lung cancer. A Hellenic Co-oper...