history of human helminthologyMedical Helminthology in the 21st CenturyA history of human helminthology.Parasitology (Protozoology and helminthology).Diagnostic dilemmas in helminthology: what tools to use and when?Infectious disease. Medical helminthology in the 21st century.Textbook of medical Parasitology, Protozoology & HelminthologyContributions to Ceylon helminthology. 3. Mesocoelium burti, sp.nov., Mesocoelium marrsi, sp.nov., Haplorchis pearsoni, sp.nov.Helminths, arthropods and protozoa of domestic animals. (Sixth edition of Mönnig's Veterinary helminthology and entomology).Contribuição para o conhecimento da fauna helmintolojica brazileira: III Contribution to the study of brazilian helminthology: III