- The hunter disembowelled the antelope.
猎人取出羚羊的内脏。 - Antelope live in Africa and Asia.
African antelope database 1998
The Social Organisation of Antelope in Relation To Their Ecology
Seed Fate Pathways of Antelope Bitterbrush: Dispersal by Seed‐Caching Yellow Pine Chipmunks
Cultural Resource Inventory of the Antelope Hills Interceptor Sewer, Gunnison County, Colorado
Biological basis of grooming behaviour in antelope: The body-size, vigilance, and habitat principles.
Hominid paleoecology at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania as indicated by antelope remains
Activity and Thermoregulation of the Antelope Ground Squirrel Ammospermophilus leucurus in Winter and Summer
Phylogenetic analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the African antelope.
Role of Forage, Habitat and Predation in the Behavioural Plasticity of a Small African Antelope
Comparison of a clinical probability estimate and two clinical models in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. ANTELOPE-Study ...