- As a hieroglyph this symbol represents the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Hieroglyph of Time:The Petrarchan Sestina
Hieroglyph and Emblem in Diderot's Lettre sur Les Sourds et Muets
The Hieroglyph of Tradition. Freud, Benjamin, Gadamer, Novalis, Kant
Sourcebook for the 29th Maya Hieroglyph Forum
Automatic Egyptian hieroglyph recognition by retrieving images as texts
Automatic Egyptian hieroglyph recognition by retrieving images as texts
Hope and its hieroglyph : a critical decipherment of Ernst Bloch's Principle of hope
bjt. Calorimetric investigations around a royal hieroglyph
The Changeling and the Years of Crisis, 1619-1624 a Hieroglyph of Britain
Hope and its Hieroglyph. A Critical Decipherment of Ernst Bloch's 'Principle of Hope.' AAR Studies in Religion 57 by Richard H. Rob...