...method for differentiating homozygotes and ...
A null c-myc mutation causes lethality before 10.5 days of gestation in homozygotes and reduced fertility in heterozygous female mice
Homozygotes for CDKN2 (p16) germline mutation in Dutch familial melanoma kindreds
Knockout of the Abetalipoproteinemia Gene in Mice: Reduced Lipoprotein Secretion in Heterozygotes and Embryonic Lethality in Homozyg...
Tay-sachs disease. Detection of heterozygotes and homozygotes by serum hexosaminidase assay.
The progress of inbreeding when homozygotes are at a disadvantage
Campto brachy dactyly a new autosomal dominant trait with 2 probable homozygotes
Hereditary haemochromatosis: only 1% of adult HFE C282Y homozygotes in South Wales have a clinical diagnosis...
Preclinical evidence of Alzheimer's disease in persons homozygous for the epsilon 4 allele for apolipoprotein E.
Genome-Wide Association Scan Shows Genetic Variants in the FTO Gene Are Associated with Obesity-Related Traits