- These two fruit flies are homozygous for red eye color.
就红色的眼睛而言,这两种果蝇是同型的。 - This requires both parents to be homozygous for same alleles in question.
Production of homozygous mutant ES cells with a single targeting construct.
Homozygous C1q deficiency causes glomerulonephritis associated with multiple apoptotic bodies
Production of clones of homozygous diploid zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio)
Long homozygous chromosomal segments in reference families from the centre d'Etude du polymorphisme humain.
Survival in medically treated patients with homozygous beta-thalassemia.
Homozygous Defect in HIV-1 Coreceptor Accounts for Resistance of Some Multiply-Exposed Individuals to HIV-1 Infection
High risk of thrombosis in patients homozygous for factor V Leiden (activated protein C resistance)
Homozygous disruption of the murine mdr2 P-glycoprotein gene leads to a complete absence of phospholipid from bile and to liver dise...
Preclinical evidence of Alzheimer's disease in persons homozygous for the epsilon 4 allele for apolipoprotein E.
Smit, JJ, Schinkel, AH, Oude Elferink, RP, Groen, AK, Wagenaar, E, van Deemter, L et al.. Homozygous disruption of the murine mdr2 P...