- There will be an honorarium for you to cover your phone and time.
将会有包括你的电话和时间的你一个报酬。 - Travel and hotel costs as well as an honorarium will be provided.
Honorarium or Coercion: Use of Incentives for Participants in Clinical Research
Dr Miller has received a speaking honorarium from Bristol-Myers Squibb.
[Honorarium medewerkers Maandschrift]
Reduction of Severe Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Following the Routine Use of Live, Oral, Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine
Determinanten van het audithonorarium in België
Current Therapies for C. difficile Disease
City Organization
Aortic Remodeling After Endovascular Treatment of Complicated Type B Aortic Dissection Using a Composite Device Design: A Report fro...
Systems and methods for creating and maintaining a market intelligence portal
Study of Profile, Knowledge and Problems of Anganwadi Workers in ICDS Blocks: A Cross Sectional Study