- In the velvety huskiness of her voice, love vibrated like a note of unknown music.
Experimental Huskiness (Hoarseness)Wistful Huskiness of the Maestro and His Strad[Inheritance and heritability of oil and protein content in sunflower seed and huskiness of seeds]. [Russian]Correlation between huskiness and crude fibre content in oats (Avena sativa L.).Influence of line hybridization on achene huskiness in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.).Cuidados vocais: quest?o de preven??o e saúdePercutaneous Tracheostomy with Single Dilatation Technique: A Prospective, Randomized Comparison of Ciaglia Blue Rhino Versus Griggs...Female voice changes around and after the menopause--an initial investigationThe psychiatric and social characteristics of patients with functional dysphonia.[Superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery]