Some thaumatin-like proteins hydrolyse polymeric beta-1,3-glucans.
Hydrolyse enzymatique de l'amidon en glucose a l'aide d'une enzyme produite par genie genetique
A scheme for designating enzymes that hydrolyse the polysaccharides in the cell walls of plants
Chloroplast-derived enzyme cocktails hydrolyse lignocellulosic biomass and release fermentable sugars
Isolation and characterization of human colonic bacteria able to hydrolyse chlorogenic acid
Protonenübertragung, Säure‐Base‐Katalyse und enzymatische Hydrolyse. Teil I: Elementarvorgänge
Extraradical hyphae of the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices can hydrolyse organic phosphate
Conjugues peptidiques pharmacologiquement actifs ayant une tendance reduite a l'hydrolyse enzymatique
Protonenübertragung, Säure‐Base‐Katalyse und enzymatische Hydrolyse. Teil I: Elementarvorgänge
Rapid accumulation of inositol trisphosphate reveals that agonists hydrolyse polyphosphoinositides instead of phosphatidylinositol