hyperchromatichyperchromaticHyperchromatic crowded groups: pitfalls in pap smear diagnosisHyperchromatic cytometry principles for cytomics using slide based cytometryTunable hyperchromatic lens system for confocal hyperspectral sensingEvaluation and significance of hyperchromatic crowded groups (HCG) in liquid-based papsNasal cytobrush cytology: evaluation of the hyperchromatic supranuclear striaHyperchromatic crowded groups in cervical cytology--differing appearances and interpretations in conventional and ThinPrep preparati...Cytomorphological assessment of benign and malignant dense hyperchromatic groups in cervicovaginal smearsNasal cytology: description of a hyperchromatic supranuclear stria as a possible marker for the anatomical and functional integrity ...