Vegetative propagation of African Blackwood ( Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr.): effects of age of donor plant, IBA treatment a...Ataque a la comisaría: detuvieron a la abogada del preso que iba a ser rescatadoVegetative propagation of Pohpohan (Pilea trinervia Wight) in water media with aeration and IBA TreatmentImplantation of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells Into Ischemic Myocardium Enhances Collateral Perfusion and Regional Function via Side ...A large-area, flexible pressure sensor matrix with organic field-effect transistors for artificial skin applications.Interactive evolutionary computationInteractive evolutionary computationConformable, Flexible, Large-Area Networks of Pressure and Thermal Sensors with Organic Transistor Active MatrixesThe psychometric function: IPopulation studies on southwestern Indian tribes. I. History, culture, and genetics of the Papago.