Oral absorption and bioavailability of ichthyic origin chondroitin sulfate in healthy male volunteersNonhemolytic group B streptococci of human, bovine, and ichthyic origin.Biodiversity and dynamics of ichthyic communities in the mangrove of Guaratuba, BrazilMicronuclei test application to wild tropical ichthyic species common in two lentic environments of the low zones in ColombiaMonitoring of ichthyic fauna in artificial reefs along the Adriatic coast of the Abruzzi Region of Italy.Trophic organisation and functioning of ichthyic populations in a West Indies mangrove ecosystem using the trophic contribution indexPreliminary Study on Technological Measures of Lowering Ichthyic Bait CoefficientP192 BOVINE, PORCINE AND ICHTHYIC CHONDROITIN SULFATE DECREASE IL-1beta EFFECTS ON NO PRODUCTION AND APOPTOSIS: CORRELATION WITH MOL...The study of some characteristics of ichthyic populations with commercial interest in the Lake of Ohrid.Identification of Ichthyic Species by Amplification of rRNA 5S Gene in order to discover Taxonomic Frauds