Anti-militarismAntimilitarismAntimilitarismCultures of antimilitarism : national security in Germany and JapanDemocratic antimilitarism in postwar Japan: Institutions and the culture of peaceCultures of Antimilitarism : National Security in Germany and Japan (Thomas Berger)Cultures of Antimilitarism: National Security in Germany and Japan by Thomas U. BergerMorals, Mothers, and Militarism: Antimilitarism and Feminist TheoryFrom Revolutionaries to Citizens: Antimilitarism in France, 1870–1914“Out Now!”: Antimilitarism and the Politicization of Homosexuality in the Era of VietnamBase Motives The Political Economy of Okinawa’s AntimilitarismExplaining Japanese Antimilitarism: Normative and Realist Constraints on Japan's Security PolicyComing out against the War: Antimilitarism and the Politicization of Homosexuality in the Era of Vietnam