Cambiamento tecnologico e nicchie di mercato antiquate: la vintage innovationMicrosatellite enrichment by magnetic beads in Coelomactra antiquateSTUDY ON THE TISSUE SPECIFICITY OF ISOZYMES IN COELOMACTRA ANTIQUATE SPENGLERStudy on Oxygen Consumption and Ammonia Excretion Rates of Coelomactra antiquateBiological characteristics and shrimp polyculture technology of Anadara antiquatePersonal Video Recorders, Emerging Technology and the Threat to Antiquate the Fair Use DoctrineApplication of photosynthetic bacteria and Bacillus for rearing Coelomatra antiquate larvaeCurrent status, and prospects for culture and proliferation of Coelomactra antiquate in ChinaThe effects of temperature,pH and feeding time on pepsin activity of Coelomactra antiquateThe Ecology of two Species of Blood Clams Anadara granosa (L.) and Anadara antiquate (L.) in Central Java, Indonesia