- For, at our epoch, we no longer believe either in inertia or in immobility.
因为,在我们这时代,人们已不承认有什么无为状态或不动状态。 - Madame Albertine usually preserved perfect calmness and complete immobility during the sermons and services.
阿尔贝尔丁夫人平日参加听道和日课素来沉静,是丝毫不动的。 - This decentralized economic system relied on the legal immobility of the serf.
这种分散的经济制度依赖于农奴在法律上的固定性。 - Because of the immobility of land, each real estate parcel possesses a unique location.
Using cursor immobility to suppress selection errors
Changing etiology of vocal fold immobility.
Factor Immobility and Regional Impacts of Trade Liberalization: Evidence on Poverty from India
Immobility induced by forced swimming in rats: effects of agents which modify central catecholamine and serotonin activity.
Immobility – a major risk factor for development of pressure ulcers among adult hospitalized patients: a prospective study
Inhaled anesthetics and immobility: mechanisms, mysteries, and minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration
Hypothesis: inhaled anesthetics produce immobility and amnesia by different mechanisms at different sites
The forced swimming-induced behavioural immobility response involves histone H3 phospho-acetylation and c-Fos induction in dentate g...
Altered Responsiveness to Cocaine and Increased Immobility in the Forced Swim Test Associated with Elevated cAMP Response Element-Bi...
Fast fronto-parietal rhythms during combined focused attentive behaviour and immobility in cat: cortical and thalamic localizations.