- Nobody can run circles around him in this field.
在这方面没人能轻易超过他。 - She surpassed her brother in mathematics.
An exploration of the technical feasibility of achieving CO 2 emission reductions in excess of 60% within the UK housing stock by t...
Magnetoresistance in excess of 200% in Ballistic Ni Nanocontacts at Room Temperature and 100 Oe
Kinetics of selective CO oxidation in excess of H 2 over the nanostructured Cu 0.1 Ce 0.9 O 2− y catalyst
AlGaN-based 280nm light-emitting diodes with continuous wave powers in excess of 1.5mW
AlGaN-based 280 nm light-emitting diodes with continuous wave powers in excess of 1.5 mW
Identifying elective orthopedic surgical patients transfused with amounts of blood in excess of need: the transfusion trigger revisi...
Dietary Copper in Excess of Nutritional Requirement Reduces Plasma and Breast Muscle Cholesterol of Chickens
Planar trapezoidal and pentagonal monopoles with impedance bandwidths in excess of 10:1
How cholesterol homeostasis is regulated by plasma membrane cholesterol in excess of phospholipids.
A Dual Electrolyte H2/O2 Planar Membraneless Microchannel Fuel Cell System with Open Circuit Potentials in Excess of 1.4 V