- Her opposition to the plan is of long standing.
她对这一计划的反对是旷日持久的。 - The new tax program met with fierce opposition.
新的征税计划遭到强烈反对。 - Miracles are contrary to nature.
奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的。 - The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers.
大拇指能与任何一个手指相对。 - Back Restraint To Originality From Viewer Value.
受众价值观对创意的反向制约。 - The stabilizer provides a counter force to the CG.
In Opposition To
Type 1 protein phosphatase acts in opposition to IpL1 protein kinase in regulating yeast chromosome segregation.
Sanpodo and Notch act in opposition to Numb to distinguish sibling neuron fates in the Drosophila CNS.
Olig2 and Ngn2 function in opposition to modulate gene expression in motor neuron progenitor cells
B-type cyclins regulate G1 progression in fission yeast in opposition to the p25rum1 CDK inhibitor
Gi- and Gq-coupled ADP (P2Y) receptors act in opposition to modulate nociceptive signaling and inflammatory pain behavior
Snail and the microRNA-200 Family Act in Opposition to Regulate Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Germ Layer Fate Restriction...
Ca2+ influx through mechanosensitive channels inhibits neurite outgrowth in opposition to other influx pathways and release from int...
In opposition to inhibition.
Homeostatic cell-cycle control by BLyS: Induction of cell-cycle entry but not G1/S transition in opposition to p18INK4c and p27Kip1