Return inanimateness 回归虚无 ; 归于虚无
INTERACTION OF MORPHOLOGICAL, LEXICAL AND WORD-FORMATION MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF ANIMATENESS-INANIMATENESSMyths, entropy, and inanimateness in Thomas Pynchon's V /Means of expressing animateness/inanimateness in the Selkup languageEffects of event probability and animateness on children's comprehension of active and passive sentences.Paraphrasing by Case Alternation「サ変名詞+する」から動詞相当句への言い換えParaphrasing of "sahen - noun+SURU"Loops and joins: Muybridge and the optics of animationКАТЕГОРИИ ОДУШЕВЛЕННОСТИ / НЕОДУШЕВЛЕННОСТИ И ГЕНДЕРА В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫ...Speaking Stones: Material Agency and Interaction in Christian Enzensberger’s Geschichte der Natur