- So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study.
司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。 - As a inaugurator of the German classical philosophy, the position and meaning of Kant's philosophy are obvious.
AUROBINDO: INAUGURATOR OF MODERN INDIAN CRITICISMSri Aurobindo, the Inaugurator of Modern Indian CriticismThe inaugurator of transmitted echocardiography: Prof. Dr Wolf-Dieter KeidelJin Shengtan: the Inaugurator of the Study of Chinese Novel ReadershipClaude - Nicolas Ledoux, Inaugurator of a New Architectural SystemWan Guoding:The Inaugurator of the Undertaking of China's Agricultural HistoryThe Hon. C. C. Bonney, the Inaugurator of the Parliament of Religions.475: Angelo Luigi Soresi (1877-1951), Inaugurator of Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia (CSE) and the Hanging Drop TechniqueYin Duanmu: the Medical Collaborator of Sun Yat-Sen and Inaugurator of the Self-run Medical Newspaper in Modern ChinaTransculturation: from Utopia to the Latin American Narrative. Successive Versions of a Forefather, an Inaugurator and an Encoder