INTEGRATED PITCH, ROLL, AND YAW INCEPTORDetection of replicational inceptor signals in IS5.Use of Active Inceptor Cueing to Mitigate Pilot-Vehicle System Loss of ControlInceptor and origin of DNA replication in lambdoid coliphages. II. The lambda DNA maximal replication system.In Flight Evaluation of Active Inceptor Force-Feel Characteristics and Handling QualitiesInvestigations on boundary avoidance tracking and pilot inceptor workloadActive Flight Control and Appliqué Inceptor Concepts for Autorotation Performance EnhancementUse of Active Inceptor Cueing to Mitigate Pilot-Vehicle System Loss of Control - AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (...Future STOVL flight control: development of two-inceptor trimmap based pitch plane control law for the VAAC research aircraftPilot Gain and the Workload Buildup Flight Test Technique: A Closer Investigation of Pilot Inceptor Workload