Incrusting structure of nanosized FeO particles in magnetic fluidsIncrusting structure of nanosized Fe3O4 particles in magnetic fluidsNon-incrusting chilostomatous Bryozoa of the west coast of North AmericaMachine for coating or incrusting confectionery, biscuits, and the likeProcess and device for concentrating incrusting or corrosive solutionsIncrusting and boring bryozoans from the Dessau Chalk Formation (Cretaceous), Little Walnut Creek, Austin, TexasIn situ manifestations of nonself recognition between incrusting spongesGeitleria calcarea n. gen. et n. sp. A new atmophytic lime-incrusting blue-green algaTime Course of the Secondary Deposition of Incrusting Materials on Bordered Pit Membranes in Cryptomeria JaponicaProcess of decomposing vegetable fibrous matter for the purpose of the simultaneous recovery both of the cellulose and of the incrus...