Hosts manipulated by one parasite incur additional costs from infection by another parasite.Medical injuries can increase mortality risk and incur additional costs ☆Do "Drip and Ship"Cases Incur Higher Costs to Warrant CMS MS-DRG Reassignment?Do "Drip and Ship"Cases Incur Higher Costs to Warrant CMS MS-DRG Reassignment?Preschool children and chimpanzees incur costs to watch punishment of antisocial othersPotential Additional Costs That States Could Incur to Implement the Work Participation Requirements Specified in H.R. 240 for Those ...Evaluative conditioning may incur attentional costsEmergency room patients with substance abuse treatment need incur higher health care costs5. Paying for the Additional Costs of DisabilityBankruptcy resolution : Direct costs and violation of priority of claims