Aphotic N2 Fixation in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Ocean
Aphotic zone carbonate production on a Miocene ramp, Central Apennines, Italy
Dinitrogen fixation in aphotic oxygenated marine environments
Sustained Viability of Aphotic Phytoplankton in Lake Tahoe (California-Nevada)
Aphotic pigment degradation in the hypolimnion: Implications for sedimentation studies and paleolimnology
Photosynthetically-competent phytoplankton from the aphotic zone of the deep ocean
Biofilm formation in a freshwater environment under photic and aphotic conditions
The Danian (Paleocene) coral limestone of Fakse, Denmark: A model for ancient aphotic, azooxanthellate coral mounds
Bacterial diversity and ecosystem function of filamentous microbial mats from aphotic (cave) sulfidic springs dominated by chemolith...
Bacterial diversity and ecosystem function of filamentous microbial mats from aphotic (cave) sulfidic springs dominated by chemolith...