Layered pegmatite-aplite intrusives
Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite sills and their minerals from Arcozelo da Serra area (Gouveia, central Portugal)
Crystallization of the Little Three layered pegmatite-aplite dike, Ramona District, California
Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite sills and petrogenetic links with granites, Guarda-Belmonte area, central Portugal
Textural and mechanical evolution with progressive strain in experimentally deformed aplite
Mineralogy and geochemical evolution of the Little Three pegmatite-aplite layered intrusive, Ramona, California
Stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies of gem-bearing granitic pegmatite-aplite dikes, San Diego Co., California
Fluid–rock interactions and the role of late Hercynian aplite intrusion in the genesis of the Castromil gold deposit, northern Port...
Unidirectional solidification textures and garnet layering in Y-enriched garnet-bearing aplite-pegmatites in the Cadomian Brno Batho...
Strain localization due to a positive feedback of deformation and myrmekite-forming reaction in granite and aplite mylonites along t...