- He was appointed ambassador to the United States.
他被任命为驻美国大使。 - Company decided to appoint a new treasurer.
New institute to study systems biology.
US cancer institute to overhaul tumour cell lines
Pasteur Institute to abandon departmental structure?
From Research Institute to Computer Company: Regnecentralen 1946-1964
WHO says tobacco industry "used"institute to undermine its policies.
Professional development. Summer institute to improve university science teaching
By Librarians, For Librarians: Building a Strengths-Based Institute to Develop Librarians' Research Culture in Canadian Academic Lib...
Contributions of mass spectrometry in the Australian Wine Research Institute to advances in knowledge of grape and wine constituents
Action Plan on Communication Practices: Roles of Tutors at EMU Distance Education Institute to Overcome Social Barriers in Construct...
The Use of True Potato Seed as Pro-poor Technology: The Efforts of an International Agricultural Research Institute to Innovating Po...