insulating material绝缘材料;隔热材料;绝缘物
insulating glass中空玻璃
insulating layer[化]绝缘层
insulating property绝缘性能
insulating paper绝缘纸,电缆纸;绝热纸;线圈绝缘纸
heat insulating material[化]保温材料;隔热材料
insulating oil[化]绝缘油,变压器油
insulating tape绝缘胶带
insulating brick绝缘砖;隔热砖
heat insulating layer绝热层,隔热层
insulating board绝缘板
insulating refractory隔热耐火材料
thermal insulating layer隔热层
insulating paint绝缘漆,绝缘涂料
insulating strength绝缘强度
- This rule applies to keypad switch lines, too, despite their insulating keycaps.
尽管键帽是绝缘的,这个准则也应用到键区开关线。 - Measuring the medium loss is the insulating foundation experiment of electric measurement of high pressure.
Ion Transport Phenomena in Insulating Films
Gate-induced insulating state in bilayer graphene devices.
Superconducting interfaces between insulating oxides.
The Structure of Electronic Excitation Levels in Insulating Crystals
Fractional quantum Hall effect and insulating phase of Dirac electrons in graphene
“Polyaniline”: Interconversion of Metallic and Insulating Forms
Growth of large-area and highly crystalline MoS2 thin layers on insulating substrates.
Room-temperature ferromagnetism observed in undoped semiconducting and insulating oxide thin films
Models proposed to explain the electrical conductivity of mixtures made of conductive and insulating materials
Generalized Formula for the Electric Tunnel Effect between Similar Electrodes Separated by a Thin Insulating Film