internship programs实习计划;实习课程
- He recently finished a six-month internship at Puma footwear.
他最近完成了一项为期6个月的实习在美洲豹鞋类. - I have served one-year internship at local news agency.
Internship: preparation or hazing ?
Depression in the internship
RN internship: outcomes of a one-year pilot program.
The distress of internship. Causes and prevention
Variation of mood and empathy during internship.
An exploratory study of an internship program: the case of Hong Kong students.
Teaching nature of science explicitly in a first‐grade internship setting
Learning, satisfaction, and mistreatment during medical internship: a national survey of working conditions
"Somebody to count on": Mentor/intern relationships in a beginning teacher internship program.
An Electronic Lifeline: Information and communication technologies in a teacher education internship