"Mechanistic Study of Intumesce"
Pathogeny and Pathogenicity of Kidney Intumesce of Sciaenops ocellatus
Study of the capacity to intumesce of two paint systems exposed to aggressive internal environments
Synergistic effect of zeolite in an intumesce Process: Study of the carbonaceous structures using solid-state NMR
Synergistic effect of solid super acid on the properties of intumesce flame retardant EVA composites
Histopathological and ultrapathological study on kidney intumesce of American red drum,Sciaenops ocellatus
Clinical Observation of Phacoemulsification Combined With Intraocular Lens Implantation for Secondary Glaucoma Due to Intumescent Ca...
Improving flame retardancy of linear low-density polyethylene/nylon 6 blends via controlling localization of clay and intumescent fl...
An efficient method to improve simultaneously the water resistance, flame retardancy and mechanical properties of POE intumescent fl...
Synthesis, thermal degradation, and flame retardancy of a novel charring agent aliphatic—aromatic polyamide for intumescent fl...