- The people of northern Canada are called Inuit.
加拿大北部的人称为因纽特人。 - Inuit skin the animals they hunt to use their fur.
Inuit foods and diet: a preliminary assessment of benefits and risks
Inuit Exposure to Organochlorines through the Aquatic Food Chain in Arctic Québec
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
Prenatal exposure of the northern Québec Inuit infants to environmental contaminants.
Susceptibility to infections and immune status in Inuit infants exposed to organochlorines.
Indigenous health in the Arctic: an overview of the circumpolar Inuit population
n-3 Fatty acids and cardiovascular disease risk factors among the Inuit of Nunavik
Exposure to PCB and p, p′-DDE in European and Inuit populations: impact on human sperm chromatin integrity
Global DNA hypomethylation is associated with high serum-persistent organic pollutants in Greenlandic Inuit.
13Carbon and 15nitrogen isotopes in autopsy liver tissue samples from Greenlandic Inuit and Danes: consumption of marine versus terr...