APPC/MVS distributed application supportAPPC/MVS distributed application supportAutomated Project Performance Control (APPC) of construction resourcesAutomated Project Performance Control (APPC) of Construction ResourcesNIMH/APPC workgroup on behavioral and biological outcomes in HIV/STD prevention studies: a position statement.Research: An approach to realizing interoperability using APPCOuality Evaluation on Virus Inactivation in APPC Using Riboflavin as a PhotosensitizerAdjacent pitch period comparison (appc) as a usability measure of speech segments under co-channel conditions해외르포 - 아시아.태평양 가금학회 - 아시아.태평양 가금학회(APPC)를 다녀와서Host addresses a client device using permanent name provided by the client device without requiring a transfer of an APPC verb