northern ireland北爱尔兰自治区(在爱尔兰东北部)
republic of ireland爱尔兰
- People flooded from Ireland to America.
人们自爱尔兰大举涌入美国。 - This new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.
The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland
The moss flora of Britain and Ireland.
Lichen flora of Great Britain and Ireland
[Letter to Editor] Chance to make Ireland safer place for women
Critical Review of the Ireland National Policy Framework for Children and Young People
The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988–1991
Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
Effect of air-pollution control on death rates in Dublin, Ireland: an intervention study.
Diet and 20-year mortality from coronary heart disease. The Ireland-Boston Diet-Heart Study
The North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment(NAMBLEX). Overview of the campaign held at Mace Head, Ireland, in summer 2002