Tree Versions of ‘ Syllabus aliquot synodorum et colloquiorum ‘: an Early Modern Reading List of Irenical LiteratureTree Versions of ‘‘: an Early Modern Reading List of Irenical LiteratureHugo Grotius theologian. Essays in honour of G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes (H.J.M. Nellen, e. Rabbie). The irenical theology of Theophile ...The irenical theology of Théophile Brachet de la Milletière (1588-1665)IRENICAL TENDENCIES IN THE ELIZABETHAN CHURCHImportant Moral IssuesII. Family Planning: An Irenical ApproachThe Irenical Theology of Theophile Brachet de la Milletiere. by Robertus van de Schoor; J. GraysonMolanus, Lutheran Irenicist (1633-1722)Морфофункциональные изменения карповых рыб под воздействием нефтиEVERARD BOOTHS IRENISCHE PERKINS-VERTALING