Deer Irruptions
Irruptions of Memory: Expressive Politics in Chile's Transition to Democracy
Methodology in the fold and the irruption of transgressive data
The irruption of polymers from renewable resources on the scene of macromolecular science and technology
Spatiotemporal patterns of an irruption and decline of small mammals in northcentral Chile
Owl Winter Irruptions as an Indicator of Small Mammal Population Cycles in the Boreal Forest of Eastern North America
Dynamic autoinoculation and the microbial ecology of a deep water hydrocarbon irruption
Symplectic capacities and the geometry of uncertainty: The irruption of symplectic topology in classical and quantum mechanics
Control of a stoat (Mustela erminea) population irruption to enhance mohua (yellowhead) (Mohoua ochrocephala) breeding success in Ne...
The successful eradication of introduced roof rats (Rattus rattus) from Buck Island using diphacinone, followed by an irruption of h...