- It is Suggested that inhalation of isoprenaline may be given as aroutine before estimation of residual Volume.
Isoprenaline stimulation of cyclic AMP production by isolated cells from adult rat myocardium.Do beta 3-adrenoceptors mediate metabolic responses to isoprenalineActivation of protein kinase C potentiates isoprenaline-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in rat pinealocytes[Reduced sensitivity of the heart ventricle of obese Zucker rats to isoprenaline].Effects of ICI 141, 292 on exercise tachycardia and isoprenaline-induced β-adrenoceptor responses in manElectrophysiological and other aspects of the relaxant action of isoprenaline in guinea-pig isolated trachealis.Age-related decrease in cardiac and peripheral vascular responsiveness to isoprenaline: studies in normal subjects.The effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline on inhibitory α- and β-adrenoceptors in the longitudinal muscle of the g...The time course of the effects of beta- and alpha-adrenoceptor stimulation by isoprenaline and methoxamine on the contractile force ...The time course of the effects of beta- and alpha-adrenoceptor stimulation by isoprenaline and methoxamine on the contractile force ...