Itineracy effects on spin correlations in 1D Mott insulators
The nature of itineracy in CoV2O4: a first-principles study.
Historical Relationships of Itineracy and Salary
Anisotropy, itineracy, and magnetic frustration in high-Tc iron pnictides
Symmetries and itineracy in nonlinear systems with many degrees of freedom
Effect of Electron Itineracy on Magnetism of S = 1/2 Ferromagnetic Ising Model
Coexistence of localization and itineracy of electrons in boron-doped diamond
Evidence for itineracy in the anticipated Kondo insulator FeSi: a quantitative determination of the band renormalization
Charge localization or itineracy at La Al O 3 ∕ Sr Ti O 3 interfaces: Hole polarons, oxygen vacancies, and mobile electrons
Charge localization or itineracy at $\mathrm{La}\mathrm{Al}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}∕\mathrm{Sr}\mathrm{Ti}{\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ interfaces: Hol...