in jest adv. 开玩笑地;诙谐地
jest with vt. 开某人玩笑
- They made a jest of his ignorance.
他们笑话他无知。 - He spoke it in a kind of jest, but it was with such an awkward smile.
他用一种说笑的口吻说着,但是说时带着那么不自然的微笑。 - I said in jest I would marry Jim.
我开玩笑说要嫁给吉姆。 - It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy.
- He is not a man to jest with.
他是个不能开玩笑的人。 - Do not jest about serious things .
对于重要的事情不能当儿戏。 - You jest so lightly in a time of crisis?
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