- The youths jostled against an old lady on the pavement.
那些青年人在人行道上推推搡搡挤着了一个老太太。 - The advertisers are jostling for the public's attention.
The jostle user manual: Version 2.2
Parallel Jostle Library Interface : Version 1.2.1
The serial JOSTLE library user guide: Version 3.0
Interest groups jostle to influence PDUFA V.
The Parallel JOSTLE Library User's Guide, Version 3.0
JOSTLE: Parallel multilevel graph-partitioning software - An overview
JOSTLE: Partitioning of Unstructured Meshes for Massively Parallel Machines
China and India today: Diplomats jostle, militaries prepare
Evaluation of the JOSTLE mesh partitioning code for practical multiphysics applications
Jostle-to-board-the-train Dilemma and Identity Transition in Game Process:On the Relationship of Transitional Countries with Interna...