Gene loops juxtapose promoters and terminators in yeast
Translocations at 8q24 juxtapose MYC with genes that harbor superenhancers resulting in overexpression and poor prognosis in myeloma...
TreeJuxtaposer:scalable tree comparison using Focus+Context with guaranteed visibility
TreeJuxtaposer: scalable tree comparison using Focus+Context with guaranteed visibility
Architecture en tuiles juxtaposees pour matrice de portes programmables par l'utilisateur
A Postcolonial Moment in Science Studies: Alternative Firing Regimes of Environmental Scientists and Aboriginal Landowners
Design and development of a mobile peer-to-peer social networking application
UCSC genome browser database: update 2007
Pressure—Temperature—Time Paths of Regional Metamorphism I. Heat Transfer during the Evolution of Regions of Thickened Continental...
Lucas/Kanade meets Horn/Schunck: combining local and global optic flow methods