Assessing risk of heavy metals from consuming food grown on sewage irrigated soils and food chain transfer.Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse: What Does the Research Tell Us About the Ways That Children Tell?Stacked OLEDs with a reflective conductive layerConsultant matching system and method for selecting candidates from a candidate pool by adjusting skill valuesHigh-resolution climate change scenarios for India for the 21st centuryThin film encapsulated flexible organic electroluminescent displaysTissue-based class control: the other side of toleranceHigh-resolution climate change scenario for India for the 21st centuryFractionation studies and bioaccumulation of sediment-bound heavy metals in Kolleru lake by edible fishMEKK1 regulates calpain-dependent proteolysis of focal adhesion proteins for rear-end detachment of migrating fibroblasts.