Two Divergent Endo-β-1,4-Glucanase Genes Exhibit Overlapping Expression in Ripening Fruit and Abscising FlowersTwo Divergent Endo-P-I,4-glucanase Genes Exhibit Overlapping Expression i nRipening Fruit and AbscisingSource/Sink Relations of Abscising and Nonabscising Soybean FlowersOccurrence and Localization of 9.5 Cellulase in Abscising and Nonabscising TissuesFine structure of abscission zones : III. Cytoplasmic changes in abscising pedicels of tobacco and tomato flowersFine structure of abscission zones : II. Cell-wall changes in abscising pedicels of tobacco and tomato flowers.HISTOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON ABSCISING AND RETAINED SOYBEAN FLOWERSArrested Leaf Abscission in the Non-Abscising Variety of Pubescent Birch: Developmental, Morphological and Hormonal AspectsPhysiological comparison of abscising rudimentary leaf and vigorously developing panicle in litchi: antioxidant enzymes and phytohor...Levels of endogenous growth regulators in abscising and persisting peach fruits